Seniors - Readycall

Seniors – Readycall

We value the senior members of our congregation, some of whom have been worshipping here all their lives. Their prayers, wisdom and actions have sustained the growth of the church.

Brenchley Ready Call Parish of All Saints

Brenchley residents requiring help for transport to a LOCAL hospital, dental or doctors appointment please call 07837822747 in the first instant . If no response after 2 days please call 01892 722885

The Ready Call monthly lunches are for those who live alone .
Held on Wednesdays at Grays Cafe.
Phone 01892 2885 or 01892 72 2434 for further details.

Matfield has its own ReadyCall: Parish of St Lukes 01892 822272

Further afield, Kent Count Council offer other options:

Community Car Service

The Community Car Service provides safe transport for people who cannot use public transport. This can be for a variety of reasons including mobility issues, mental disorders, dementia or infirmness due to old age. The Community Care Service will take passengers to wherever they need to travel to, such as:

  • medical appointments including visits to the doctors, dentists or hospital (including all London hospitals)
  • social activities including day centres, lunch clubs, hairdressers, visiting loved ones that are away from home
  • shopping.


Compaid provide an ‘Out and about’ transport service for people who don’t have their own car or who struggle to use public transport and live in Tonbridge and Malling or Tunbridge Wells. Passengers can travel within their district for a set fee.

IMAGO Dial-2-Drive

Dial 2 Drive (D2D) is a community transport scheme for people unable to access public transport due to older age, illness or disability living in Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas.

Volunteer drivers use their own cars to take clients to medical and social appointments. This includes appointments at local surgeries, hospitals, day centres, hairdressers, opticians, lunch clubs and shopping.