

Our costs at All Saints, which are funded solely by donations (predominantly from members of the Church but also from others within the village and further afield), can be divided into the following categories: providing a Vicar in Brenchley, operating expenses for the Church’s activities, maintaining and operating the Church building and Churchyard, and the cost of our Youthwork and children’s ministry.  Numerous good causes both locally and internationally are also supported, usually at around the 10% level of the costs incurred locally by All Saints.

Most of this funding is raised through “Planned Giving” where we are fortunate that a significant proportion of our members give monthly, quarterly or annually (a wide variety of donations, large and small) via a regular payment / standing order.

If you would like to become a planned giver, or are an existing giver who would like to adjust your standing order or renew one which has lapsed, then the easiest way to do this is via Online Banking or Telephone Banking with your bank (If you do not bank in this way, please contact our Planned Giving Administrator, details below, who can assist you in setting up a standing order via post.) We also have a card reader in church if you would like to donate on a Sunday morning,

Please set up standing orders / regular payments using the following details.

Account Name/Holder          Brenchley PCC

Sort Code                                    20-88-13

Account Number                     30205443


If you are a UK taxpayer we can reclaim 25% of the tax on the value of your donations, please fill in the form to allow us to do this.   You can type your name where it says “Signed”.

If you wish to cancel this declaration, change your name and address or your tax status changes please contact the church.