GDPR & Privacy
This Privacy Notice is provided to you by Brenchley Parochial Church Council (PCC) which is the data controller for your data. The PCC will comply with its legal obligations to store and destroy personal data securely and to protect it from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, and disclosure. We would draw your attention to the following measures we have taken for the security of any personal information we hold which you have given us in respect of your membership of and participation in the life and activities of this church.
1. All personal information you have given us (names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, etc) is used solely and exclusively for the day-to-day operation and activities of the church and is not offered to any organisation or individual without your express consent. These activities include meeting our legal obligations to maintain an electoral roll, carrying out safeguarding processes, maintaining the church’s accounts and records, and keeping you informed about the activities and ministry of the church.
2. You may request and obtain without undue delay or instruct us to remove from our records any information we hold about you or your children that you have given us.
3. Information on church notice boards for the purpose of rotas, etc, is restricted to an individual’s name. Further details, such as phone numbers or email addresses, are only published or shared if necessary and only after seeking the express consent of the individual concerned.
4. Any personal financial details held by the Planned Giving Officer or Treasurer, such as bank mandates, Gift Aid Forms, are kept solely for the purposes of the church’s finances which include applications and provision of information to HMRC relating to tax to which you have consented by providing this specific information for this purpose. All Gift Aid information is currently held in hard copy only and not on computer. In order to claim Gift Aid we are required to advise HMRC of the name and address of the donor as well as the amount donated. This information has to be retained by us for a minimum of six years being the period during which HMRC can investigate claims. All written details of donors’ personal bank accounts are retained until the banker’s order has been set up and is working correctly but is then shredded.
5. We do not use your private information for any other purpose. On occasion, we may seek further information, for example in relation to youth activities, and will provide further details relating to privacy in relation to this specific information.
6. If you have any questions, requests, or concerns, please contact the Vicar, Churchwardens, or ‘GDPR Controller’.
C. PAGET (Vicar)
R. BROOKS M. TUNSTALL (Churchwardens)
G. SYKES (GPDR Controller)